How to use chatGPT to help you write expressions for After Effects
Follow these steps to create symbol slider expressions in Ae:
1. Open After Effects and create a text layer
2. Open the effects window and drag a Slider Control onto the text layer
3. Go to chatGPT and type in what you require, for example, a number
and then the symbol you need: £ $ %
Here is what I put into chatGPT:
Write an expression that can do scrolling numbers using an After Effects slider with a symbol at the start, for example, a '£'
4: Go back to After Effects, click on your text layer on your keyboard and press UU. Then paste the script from chatGPT onto the Source Text, ensuring the slider is linked.
5: Keyframe the number you need on the slider, for example, 1 to 400.
6: Add some easing to the keyframes so it is not linear and has a smooth ending.
You can change the symbol and say if you need it at the start or the end. This is a quick way to get expressions and to start using AI's benefits in your workflow.